[ONGOING] OP-PIP-23: Upgrade Entropy contracts on all the mainnet chains


Upgrade the Entropy (mainnet) contracts to add additional functionality for reducing gas costs on reveal transactions.
This proposal follows the successful testnet proposals OP-PIP-21.


The upgrade aims to reduce the number of hashes required for each reveal by allowing the provider to advance their commitment to a a more recent sequence number that is already used.


The new feature implemented in the Entropy contracts is accompanied by the changes in Fortuna service that periodically checks the on-chain state and advances the commitment if necessary.

Implementation Plan

Proposal ID: https://proposals.pyth.network/?tab=proposals&proposal=5YCsbprm2XQBLHfCXHpsiXnbMwgto7vvVsWq3f4fd1iF

  • Verify the implementation following the guide below:
  1. Make sure you have node-js, forge and jq installed.
    a. node-js: install nvm from here. Install node-js 18 (nvm install 18; nvm use 18).
    b. forge: install it from here
    c. jq: install it from here
  2. Clone the pyth-crosschain repo (git clone https://github.com/pyth-network/pyth-crosschain.git). Go to the pyth-crosschain directory and run the following command: pnpm i && npx lerna run build
  3. Get the on-chain implementation code digest by going to the contract_manager directory and running npx ts-node scripts/check_proposal.ts --cluster mainnet-beta --proposal <proposal id>
  4. Get the source code digest by going to the target_chains/ethereum/contracts directory and running npx truffle compile --all && cat build/contracts/EntropyUpgradable.json | jq -r .deployedBytecode | tr -d '\r\n' | cast keccak
  5. Check the hash digest from the on-chain implementation (from step 3) matches the hash digest from the source code (from step 4).