Great stuff! Excited to see what new developments for both opBNB and Pyth would come. We need to see more transparent and faster data providers as a stalwart of the industry. The better we showcase how things can be done with effectiveness and precision in Crypto, the stronger the legitimacy of the Crypto industry would be.
opBNB <3
Great idea! The proposed fee structure should be amazing!
Can’t wait to see it in action how it’s works!
gm fellow Pythians
FYI the proposal for the deployment and implementation of the fees is now live
Amazing. Looking forward to the days where OPs for “Implement Pyth Update Fee” for the 59+ other Pyth-supported chains come around
“The ongoing existence of and size of the fee will be determined by governance on a per-blockchain basis”, and right now, “the fee will be 1 of the smallest denomination of the blockchain’s native token (e.g., 1 wei on Ethereum).”
Congratulations on deploying to opBNB, another chain added to the list!
and of course congratulations on the first Update Fee OP-PIP!
can’t wait to see the stats on this after application and the future OP-PIP for all the other blockchains!
Wow this is epic. I wonder what else is on the cards for BNB - I still dont understand how that chain has any value though
The deployment of Pyth price feeds has been completed on June 7th and fees updated by the Pythian Council