[PASSED] OP-PIP-46: Upgrade Pyth Lazer Contract

This proposal upgrades the Pyth Lazer Contract program on Mainnet to fix a minor issue PR.

Implementation Plan
proposal id: 8XfQfpMQa4H9pVxAnQwQFL7mHKfTGMWQ5RniWUV3JjMn

Verify the implementation following the guide below.

  1. Make sure you have git and rust installed.
  2. git: install git from here
  3. rust: install rust from here
  4. clone the pyth-crosschain repo by running the following command: git clone https://github.com/pyth-network/pyth-crosschain
  5. change your directory to the lazer by running this command: cd pyth-crosschain/lazer/contracts/solana/programs/pyth-lazer-solana-contract
  6. build the program: cargo build-sbf
  7. check the hash of the artifact: sha256sum ../../../../target/deploy/pyth_lazer_solana_contract.so
  8. check the hash of the deployed buffer
    solana program -u m dump E6GW1YB6bjAtbfC1GiZj2LDDJMk8siYPQtcLgSAUHVG3 temp_file && sha256sum temp_file && rm temp_file
  9. Make sure the hash from step 8 and from step 7 match
  10. Make sure the buffer authority is the multisig authority