[PASSED] OP-PIP-48: Upgrade the Pyth Contract on NEAR testnet

This proposal seeks to enhance the Pyth oracle program on NEAR by enabling price updaters to fetch prices for multiple price feeds in the same call which reduces to cost for users.

Burrow Finance // Ref Finance are the predominant price updater on NEAR and do trigger a significant of onchain price updates ; therefore it is important to further improve the user experience and efficiency of the Pyth oracle on NEAR.

Implementation Plan
Proposal ID: Pyth Network

Verify the implementation by doing the following:

To verify the proposal, on an amd64 machine with docker, check out pyth-crosschain repo at c3b0f71 revision, go to target_chains/near/receiver directory and run cargo +stable install --locked cargo-near@0.13.3 and cargo near build reproducible-wasm. Then compare the sha-256 hex hash in the final output against the code hash in the proposal.

Alternatively, you can check the CI output at chore(target_chains/near): save wasm as artifact in CI (#2344) · pyth-network/pyth-crosschain@c3b0f71 · GitHub and compare the sha-256 hex hash in the CI output against the code hash in the proposal.

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