[PASSED] OP-PIP-54: Upgrade the Pyth Express Relay program on Solana

Following the deployment of Pyth Express Relay on Solana (OP-PIP38), this proposal aims to upgrade the Pyth Express Relay Program to support direct swaps with the searchers.


Pyth Express Relay auction mechanism released in OP-PIP38 has been successfully integrated by Kamino to build Limit Orders . In the current model, searchers bid for the right of fulfilling orders in the Kamino Limit Order program, leveraging Pyth Express Relay’s off-chain auction. A portion of the searcher bids (currently 47%) is retained by the DAO.

This integration is attracting volume (100M since early December) and producing revenue for the DAO (130 SOL).

Given this success, we are proposing to extend Pyth Express Relay on Solana to allow transacting directly with the searchers. This effectively implements market orders and will allow Pyth Express Relay to tap into the 500M+ daily volume of swaps on Solana.

This change will enable creating a quote API for Pyth Express Relay, similar to the API of swap aggregators. Integrators will be able to call it from their frontend to route users’ swap orders to the searchers.

The off-chain auction is preserved and the searcher that provides the best price will receive the order-flow.

Swaps will be subject to two fees, payable in the user provided token or the searcher provided token:

  • A referral fee, set by the integrator
  • A platform fee, set by the DAO. The platform fee is redistributed to:
    • The relayer (currently 6%)
    • The DAO (currently 94%)

The platform and the platform fee split are set by the DAO. We suggest initially setting the platform fee to 0bps.

Implementation Plan


Extremely Bullish.

Update: 157 SOL and counting :up_arrow:


As a frequent user: Limit Orders on Solana using Express Relay have been flawless. Implementing Market Orders will appeal to a much greater audience: substantially increasing demand for Pyth Network services.

Regardless of the potential for DAO revenue (which everyone cares about), this is also increasing fairness and competition, protecting the end user performing the swap.

Extremely Bullish


Absolutely we should, the more options people have to make use of Express Relay the better. This will massively boost use of Pyth and further shine the spotlight on what else Pyth can bring to the table.