Context & Positioning
The initial suggestion from OracleMaxi sparked excitement in the community about the benefits DeFi can gain from a staking mechanism that offers loss protection against data quality issues. As a long-time data publisher, we believe that data publishers should be rewarded for their contributions and share in the risk of slashing for data issues.
The design for such a mechanism should be community-led, empowering both publishers and consumers to impact the final design.
After discussions with community members, my proposal for the CIP includes:
- Publisher Staking: Each publisher must stake for each symbol they publish, making them eligible for rewards and subject to slashing.
- Delegated Staking: Non-publishing $PYTH stakers can delegate their stake to one or many publishers.
- Reward Cap: A cap on publisher rewards based on the number of symbols contributed, discouraging price feeds with few publishers.
- Delegation Fee: Publishers can set a delegation fee, applied pro-rata to the reward amount attributed to the delegated stake.
Pool Design
Pyth stakers can delegate their unlocked, staked tokens to publishers, with each token being delegated to a single publisher. The total publisher stake is the sum of the stake from all delegators plus the publisher’s self-delegated stake. Staking to a publisher makes delegators (including the publisher themselves) eligible for rewards and subject to slashing.
A publisher’s “stake cap” (as a soft cap) is calculated to avoid symbols with very few publishers increasing the cap too much. The total staking rewards of a publisher are given by a formula that considers the publisher stake yield rate, the total publisher stake, and the publisher’s stake cap.
Reward Split: Publishers get priority over the rewards. The reward split considers the self-delegated publisher stake and the delegation fee, which can be set by the publisher or determined by the DAO.
Incentive Properties
Publishers: Publishers benefit by increasing their symbols and attracting more delegators, thereby increasing their delegation fees.
Delegators: Delegators will delegate to publishers such that their stake reaches the publisher’s cap, ensuring that the rewards are efficiently spent, aligning with the market rate.
Total Rewards
Total rewards are bounded by the number of symbols and the target stake per symbol. Adding new symbols requires either an increase in total rewards or a decrease in individual rewards.
The total slashable amount for a publisher is capped per slashable event, with conditions for slashing determined by the DAO. Misprints leading to slashing allow affected parties to file claims with the DAO. If claims exceed the total slashable amount, it is distributed proportionally.
Questions and Uncertainties
- Bootstrap Contributions: It is unclear which parties would contribute to the pool to pay off rewards.
- Delegation Fee: Fixing the delegation fee for all publishers could reduce launch complexities.
- Multiple Claims: Further design work is needed to handle multiple claims within a single epoch.