Lowkeigh - Pyth Network Mensarius

Council Role Applications:

Discord: Lowkeighh
Twitter: Lowkeighh
Wallet Address (SPL/Solana): 9h9j9GUDZPEMgdcSwhPpwgXYVbusVnw9jCoo3cLNovBL
Private Key Custody: Hardware Wallet

Motivations to Participate in the Community Council
I have been a part of the Pyth Community since Feb 2024. During this time I have come to realise that Pyths greatest strength is the community it has built, I want to foster further growth and believe everyone involved should be fairly rewarded for playing their part.

As it stands currently, what Pyth actually does, what it’s capable of and what it is going to do in my opinion is not as realised as it should be, I want to change this.

I think X is the most powerful tool available to us in the Web 3 space, I want to leverage this to increase the mindshare of Pyth through educational X/discord activities to shine a light and educate the broader crypto community on all things Pyth.

Being a crypto OG since 2017 and coming from a trading background I believe I can offer a unique perspective on matters and have been around long enough to be able to remove bias and emotion from any decisions I am a part of.

I think I would be best suited for Impact Operations or Administration.

Relevant Experience

  • Provide market insights, general analysis and alpha of various projects through my role as a Mensarius

  • Created and co ran the cross community Pyth Olympics event.

  • Active member of Pyth X community

  • Participant in OIS staking, Governance staking and Pyth DAO

  • Pythenians holder

  • President of building corp committee, this includes over seeing budget, organising projects and of acting as a mediator, prioritising the needs of a wide range of people all with unique needs and opinions

  • Foreman for construction projects. This has taught me the ability to handle large teams of people with various strengths and weaknesses and how to simplify complex tasks which I believe transfers over well for a position such as this.